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Lista de congresos

M.T. Cotes-Palomino, C. Martínez-García, D. Eliche-Quesada, F.J. Iglesias-Godino, F.A. Corpas-Iglesias and F.M. Calero De Hoces,  "Study of olive solid residue as an additive in briks production", "International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management", None-None, 2014
M.T. Cotes Palomino, C. Martinez Garcia, D. Eliche Quesada, J. Ranchal Beato and F.M. Calero De Hoces,  "Study of olive solid residue as an additive in briks production", "International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management", -, 2014
G. Blazquez Garcia, F.M. Calero De Hoces, F.A. Corpas-Iglesias, M.T. Cotes-Palomino, M.Á. Martín Lara, C. Martínez-García and F.J. Iglesias-Godino,  "Study of thermal degradation process of an agroindustrial waste in inert atmosphere", "II International Congress of Chemical Engineering of ANQUE", None-None, 2014
E. Rodríguez, R. Rodríguez Solís, J. Rivas and F.J. Beltrán,  "MCPA photocatalytic ozonation with commercial titanium dioxide under black-light", "8th European meeting on solar chemistry and photocatalysis: Environmental applications", None-None, 2014
A. Ronda Gálvez, G. Blazquez Garcia, C. Martinez Garcia, M.T. Cotes Palomino, M.Á. Martín Lara and F.M. Calero De Hoces,  "Characterization and modelling of pyrolysis of a waste of olive industry", "Environment Workshops 2014: Processing Ceramics from wastes. A new raw material source for a global change", -, 2014
F.M. Calero De Hoces, G. Blazquez Garcia, M.Á. Martín Lara, G. Tenorio Rivas and M.C. Trujillo,  "Depuración de aguas residuales de procesos de recubrimientos metálicos. Nuevas tecnologías de tratamiento mediante adsorción en hueso de aceituna", "XI Reunión de la Mesa Española de Tratamiento de Aguas", None-None, 2014
A. Ronda Gálvez, G. Blazquez Garcia, C. Martínez-García, M.T. Cotes-Palomino, M.Á. Martín Lara and F.M. Calero De Hoces,  "Characterization and modelling of pyrolysis of a waste of olive industry", "Environment Workshops 2014: Processing Ceramics from wastes. A new raw material source for a global change", None-None, 2014
A. Ronda Gálvez, F.M. Calero De Hoces, J. Ranchal Beato, M.T. Cotes Palomino, M.Á. Martín Lara and C. Martinez Garcia,  "Physico-chemical characterization of the two-phase olive mill solid waste for its use in thermal degradation processes", "13th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering", -, 2014

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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