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F.M. Calero De Hoces, A. Ligero, G. Blazquez Garcia, A. Pérez Muñoz, M.J. Muñoz Batista
M.Á. Martín Lara,
"Aprovechamiento del char obtenido en la pirólisis de residuos plásticos como adsorbente de CO2 ", "Recuwaste 2021. Resources and Life", None-None, 2021
M.F. Paucar, F.M. Calero De Hoces, G. Blazquez Garcia, M.J. Muñoz Batista
M.Á. Martín Lara,
"Characterization of liquid fraction obtained from pyrolysis of post-consumer mixed plastic waste", "Recuwaste 2021. Resources and Life", None-None, 2021
A.K.I. Flores-Trujillo, P. Mussali-Galante, F.M. Calero De Hoces
M.L. Ortiz-Hernández,
"Residuos vegetales como alternativa para tratamiento de agua contaminada con metales pesados", "Primer Congreso Internacional la Gestión Integral de los Residuos en América Latina y Caribe", None-None, 2021
F.M. Calero De Hoces, M.Á. Martín Lara, A. Pérez Muñoz, G. Blazquez Garcia, M.J. Muñoz-Batista, S. Arjandas-Arjandas
E. Lozano-Pérez,
"Plastic mix recycling from municipal solid waste: characterization of raw material", "5TH SYMPOSIUM ON URBAN MINING AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY", None-None, 2020
F.M. Calero De Hoces, A. Pérez Muñoz, Á.M. Gálvez-Pérez, M.Á. Martín Lara
G. Blazquez Garcia,
"Experimental investigation on the air gasification of olive cake at low-medium temperatures", "5TH SYMPOSIUM ON URBAN MINING AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY", None-None, 2020
G. Blazquez Garcia, F.M. Calero De Hoces, E.J. Lozano-Pérez, M.Á. Martín Lara, M.J. Muñoz Batista, A. Pérez Muñoz
S. Arjandas-Arjandas,
"New products from non-recyclable plastics from municipal solid waste. Life4Film and LifePlasMix projects", "Symposium on Marine Pollution", None-None, 2020
V. Godoy-Calero, A. Martinez Ferez, M.Á. Martín Lara, F.M. Calero De Hoces
G. Blazquez Garcia,
"Microplastics as transporters of chromium and lead during dynamic simulation of the human gastrointestinal tract", "Symposium on Marine Pollution", None-None, 2020
V. Godoy-Calero, J.C. Prata, J.P. Da Costa, M.Á. Martín Lara, F.M. Calero De Hoces, A.C. Duarte
T. Rocha-Santos,
"Fibers contamination near a marina and wastewater effluent release in Douro river, Portugal", "Symposium on Marine Pollution", None-None, 2020
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024