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A.K.I. Flores-Trujillo, P. Mussali-Galante, F.M. Calero De Hoces
M.L. Ortiz-Hernández,
"Residuos vegetales como alternativa para tratamiento de agua contaminada con metales pesados", "Primer Congreso Internacional la Gestión Integral de los Residuos en América Latina y Caribe", None-None, 2021
M.Á. Martín Lara, G. Blazquez Garcia, A. Piñar, M.F. Paucar
F.M. Calero De Hoces,
"Turning non-recyclable mixed plastic from municipal solid waste into valuable chemicals and carbon materials (VALORPLASTIC)", "International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering", None-None, 2021
R. Rodríguez Solís, J. Bedia, J.J. Rodríguez
C. Belver,
"A review on alkaline earth metal titanates for applications in photocatalytic water purification", Chemical Engineering Journal, vol.409
, -, 2021
R. Rodríguez Solís, Ö. Dinc, G. Fang, M. Nadagouda
D.D. Dionysiou,
"Activation of inorganic peroxides with magnetic graphene for the removal of antibiotics from wastewater", Environmental Science: Nano, vol.8
, 960-977, 2021
A.K.I. Flores-Trujillo, P. Mussali-Galante, F.M. Calero De Hoces, G. Blazquez Garcia, H.A. Saldarriaga-Noreña, A. Rodríguez-Solís, E. Tovar-Sánchez, E. Sánchez-Salinas
L. Ortiz-Hernández,
"Biosorption of heavy metals on Opuntia fuliginosa and Agave angustifolia fibers for their elimination from water", International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, vol.18
, 441-454, 2021
M.Á. Martín Lara, A. Piñar, A. Ligero, G. Blazquez Garcia
F.M. Calero De Hoces,
"Characterization and use of char produced from pyrolysis of post-consumer mixed plastic waste", Water, vol.13
, 1188-, 2021
I. Iáñez Rodríguez, M.Á. Martín Lara, G. Blazquez Garcia
F.M. Calero De Hoces,
"Effect of different pre-treatments and addition of plastic on the properties of bio-oil obtained by pyrolysis of greenhouse crop residue ", Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, vol.153
, 104977-, 2021
M.Á. Martín Lara, V. Godoy-Calero, L.M. Quesada-Lozano, E.J. Lozano-Pérez
F.M. Calero De Hoces,
"Environmental status of marine plastic pollution in Spain", Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol.170
, 112677-, 2021
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024