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L.M. Quesada-Lozano, F.M. Calero De Hoces, M.Á. Martín Lara, G. Luzón González
G. Blazquez Garcia,
"Performance of different catalysts for the in situ cracking of the oil-waxes obtained by the pyrolysis of polyethylene film waste", Sustainability, vol.12
, 5482-, 2020
R. Rodríguez Solís, J. Rivas , A.M. Chávez
D.D. Dionysiou,
"Peroxymonosulfate/solar radiation process for the removal of aqueous microcontaminants. Kinetic modeling, influence of variables and matrix constituents", Journal of Hazardous Materials, vol.400
, -, 2020
A.I. Martín, D. Rodriguez, Á. García -Coleto, G. De Miguel-Rojas, M.J. Muñoz Batista
R. Luque-Alvarez De Sotomayor,
"Photocatalytic Production of Vanillin over CeOxand ZrO2Modified Biomass-Templated Titania", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol.59
, 17085-17093, 2020
L.M. Quesada-Lozano, F.M. Calero De Hoces, M.Á. Martín Lara, A. Pérez Muñoz
G. Blazquez Garcia,
"Production of an alternative fuel by pyrolysis of plastic wastes mixtures", Energy & Fuels, vol.34
, 1781-1790, 2020
J.R. Corpas-Martínez, A. Pérez Muñoz, R. Navarro-Domínguez, C. Amor-Castillo, M.Á. Martín Lara
F.M. Calero De Hoces,
"Testing of new collectors for concentration of fluorite by flotation in pneumatic (modified Hallimond tube) and mechanical cells", Minerals, vol.10
, 482-, 2020
V. Godoy-Calero, M.Á. Martín Lara, F.M. Calero De Hoces
G. Blazquez Garcia,
"The relevance of interaction of chemicals/pollutants and microplastic samples as route for transporting contaminants", Process Safety and Environmental Protection, vol.138
, 312-323, 2020
C. Leal , D. Rodriguez, Z. Abdullah Alothman, M. Cano-Luna, J.J. Giner-Casares, M.J. Muñoz Batista, S.M. Osman
R. Luque-Alvarez De Sotomayor,
"Thermal and light irradiation effect on the electrocatalytic performance of Hemoglobin modified Co3O4-g-C3N4 nanomaterials for oxygen evolution reaction", Nanoscale, vol.12
, 8477-8484, 2020
E. Rivas-García, M.Á. Martín Lara, G. Blazquez Garcia, M.J. Muñoz Batista, A. Pérez Muñoz
F.M. Calero De Hoces,
"Toward an efficient multi-step separation protocol to recover metallic components from waste leachates", Process Safety and Environmental Protection, vol.135
, 315-322, 2020
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024